is a faith-based 501(C)3 non-profit ministry committed to sharing Biblical truth with the world. We specialize in public evangelistic meetings, Bible study, spiritual revival meetings, literature evangelism, sacred music composition & scripture songs, and much more to come!
We believe in the Bible as the infallible, authoritative Word of God and standard of all living. Our mission is to prepare the world for the second coming of Jesus Christ, Who descended from His eternal heavenly throne, became a human being, lived a sinless life and died to pay the penalty of sin in place of fallen humanity. He then resurrected from the grave and promises to grant eternal life and victory over sin to those who repent and believe the gospel. It is our greatest desire to proclaim the love of God and it's transformative power through the everlasting gospel, Bible prophecy and the
3 Angels' Messages of Revelation 14.
Shay was raised Christian but fell away from the faith as a teenager. As a young adult his pursuit of a worldly career in music, along with drugs and alcohol, pulled him further and further away from God until he hit an all time low in 2017 and turned to the Lord with a heart of repentance. God granted him victory over drugs and alcohol and called him to the gospel ministry. He received formal training at the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism in 2021. Since graduating he has preached at numerous churches throughout California and has conducted evangelistic seminars in the U.S. and Guatemala. He was also active in planting a church under the Southern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and serves there as a lay pastor. Having obtained his bachelor's and master’s degree in music, Shay now uses his education to glorify God. He writes, records, and performs original scripture songs as well as classic hymns. At the center of all that he does is the blessed Lord Jesus, His matchless love, and a desire to win souls for His glory. He cofounded The Bridegroom Cometh and currently serves as Speaker & President of our ministry.
Sonny grew up in a Christian environment but didn’t feel a true connection with God until his early adulthood. Once he started studying the Bible, he felt an instant urgency to share what he was learning with others. He received formal training at the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism and graduated in 2021. He has since planted a church in Southern California where he volunteers as a lay pastor. He has a passion for giving Bible studies, preaching, literature evangelism, and homeless outreach. He's had the privilege of holding evangelistic meetings in at least two countries, and hopes to travel to many more. His greatest desire is to glorify God in all aspects of life and win souls to Christ. He currently serves as Speaker & Vice President of Evangelism for our ministry.
Ezekiel grew up in an evangelical Christian home. He had a knowledge of Jesus and the Bible but was left unsatisfied, never learning of the true, saving power of Christ. After hitting rock bottom following the sudden death of his older brother, he was given Bible studies and found peace, comfort, and hope through God’s Word. For the first time he began experiencing the transformative power of Christ and his life began to change in a dynamite way. He left all his past addictions and gave Jesus the keys to his heart. He has since pledged to help set free the captives of Satan by teaching and preaching the 3 Angels’ Messages. He attended and graduated from the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism (AFCOE) in 2022 with his wife Lexi. After his training he helped plant a church in Southern California, and has had various preaching opportunities. He currently serves as Speaker & Corporate Secretary of our ministry.